Sunday, October 5, 2008

Autumn at the One World

Back when I was writing about music for a living there were times when I used to sit in clubs and stadiums and concert halls and wonder why in the world I was there. There just seemed to be so much atrocious stuff flying around. I imagine there still is, but I don't really care anymore. I just ignore it. And when I do run across it I just shake it off. Life's to short to get bent out of shape about a bad song.

What I've found as a replacement is music that comes to me in an entirely different fashion. Rather than being pushed by AR men, it comes via family and friends and just word of mouth. This gives the music a context that is largely missing in the public scramble to be the next big thing. Seeing music played by people you know and like has a lot to recommend it.

Last night (Wednesday Oct 1) I had the pleasure of sitting in the audience at One World Theatre with Tressie Seegers and Shayne Morrison and my partner Larry of LosSenderosStudio to see Autumn perform to support her new CD, Velvet Sky.

It was a great evening all the way around. We were greeted at the door by Autumn's mother and aunt and her younger sister did the introduction to start the show. Walt Wilkins did his first turn working as a backup singer along with his wife, Tina who has done it a time or two on her own.

The music was terrific, I had a good time and I suggest that people ought to listen to Autumn. The show felt like a house concert which is a great thing, because you felt connected to the artist in a way you miss at bigger venues.

During this show she did an excellent version of Walt Wilkin's Up and On My Way as well as Autumn's own Lessons. On her MySpace player Sam Baker joins her. Walt did the honors last night since Sam is off galavanting around Europe. It is a terrific song.

Autumn has an excellent voice and plays a nice piano which is not a complement of the piano but her playing of same. She ended the show with Sugarcane, which is a great song as well.

It will be interesting to watch Autumn's career to see how she does over the long haul. I suspect she'll do well. At least I hope she'll do well. She has a really nice smile to complement her music and takes the time to talk to all of her fans. Big pluses all the way around.

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