Last week Shayne Morrison and I were pondering the mysteries of today's current music business while we were at the Mean Eyed Cat waiting for Tressie Seegers' show to start. We didn't come to any startling conclusions except to say that the paradigm had really shifted and it wasn't just our underwear riding up.
On CBS Sunday Morning this Sunday (Oct 25) they had a profile of Adele. As I was watching it I realized I'd seen her on Saturday Night Live the week before. Now that's major label marketing at its best. Here's a 20-year old singer from the UK with adequate chops, getting major exposure and being prepped to sell a gazillion albums. But I have to say that I've heard more interesting singers right here on MySpace right here in Texas.
And that is one way the business is changing. The major labels can certainly get an artist out onto the airwaves through their old contacts who need product to consume every bit as much as the labels need them to consume it; but there is definitely an underground of small studios, smart artists, and websites such as Facebook, MySpace, YourTexasMusic, and CDBaby that give folks access to markets they couldn't possible get before and allow the artist to build a fan base and actually make a living.
In the past people needed the labels to discover artists for them. The labels were aggregators who scoured the country for obscure acts worth promoting. Today you only need a computer to do the same thing and someone you trust to point out acts worthy of consideration.
That's what we're doing with Ten for Your Seven: A Mix Tape for Strangers. We're scouring MySpace checking out acts and putting up songs we like. So, here for your consideration are this weeks picks.
Elizabeth Lee--Michael Fracasso
I love songwriters who tell stories and Michael can tell them. Elizabeth Lee is a compelling song of betrayal with lots of well turned phrases.
River of Sin--Flatcar Rattlers
This is definitely a party song and I like it. It's a nice counter-balance to the load of spiritually oriented songs we've had lately. The singer is basically saying I'm gonna live my life, have fun, and then head south.
Gone Mad—Monkeyshyne
It is time for a little head rattling rock and roll. How can you resist a thumping guitar, a nice melody, and a memorable chorus? You can't. So, turn it up and sing along.
Six Months--Hurts to Purr
Up above I talked about singers who had good voices. Well, here's one. Liz has a great voice, plays the piano and makes you wonder why she's not on Saturday Night Live because this song is as good as anything I've heard recently on the show.
Swept Away--Jon Dee Graham
This is the week for wordsmithing singer songwriters. Jon Dee has a strong gravely voice and a way with words. The opening lines create one of the most compelling visual images I've heard in a long while. Give this one a good listen.
My Only Love—Spivey Crossing
A lovely traditional love song and another female voice that is worth listening to and she's right here in Texas right under your nose.
Roberta--Snits Dog and Pony Show
Now we get down to some good old funky blues. This one should have you tapping your toes and wondering when you can get to a Snits show.
Send Me Home—Radiobox
I really love this good old fashioned power ballad with clean lines all the way around. There are some great vocal harmonies on the chorus. It makes me want to see these guys live.
What you Want--Dixie Witch
I picked this song because I have a secret affinity for ass-kicking southern rock. I'd never heard of these guys before they became our friends. Then I'm at the Big Easy on Saturday and there's the bartender wearing a Dixie Witch baseball hat and I realize they're already pretty popular. Well, I don't care. I like the song. Sometimes I feel like Rip Van Winkle waking up after a long sleep.
Big Coat--Wire Tree
Same goes with this song. Brianne the daughter recommended it and they have a gillion friends but they deserve it. This tune is really worth your consideration.
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